

ぽんてぃぬという名でネット活動(歌い手、コスプレイヤー、踊り手)ぐみという名でアイドルしてます。基本オーストラリアにての活動。時々日本。Hello I am Pontinu, aka Gumi. Australian Japanese idol/YouTuber.

【完全独学】 少しでも上手く歌うには













「いー 」の音は口を大きく「い」の形に




























私もまだまだ未熟なのですがもっともっと上手くなれるよう色々なテクニックを身に付けてみたいです。またなにか質問ありましたり、もっとたくさんコツを知りたい場合コメントしてください! できる範囲で教えます!



What it means to be a leader of an idol group

When it was announced I was next leader for the group on stage, I was honestly really shocked. Personality wise I'm more of a follower than a leader and so I remember thinking "Am I really alright to have become leader?"

Being a leader is an important role for the group. My members and staff must have thought about it thoroughly. I remember feeling pressured from the role at first. I thought because the group had decided to give the role to me, I have to do well to answer their expectations. I tried my best to do what I could but I had no idea what I could work on at first.

All my members now and then all had (and has) a strong passion on being and becoming an idol so I didn't need to motivate them as much. 

I have learnt to "understand the whole picture" over time and that is basically my role of leader within in the group.

Understanding each and every member

Understanding the situation

Being fair

Thinking ahead

Not ignoring problems and feedback

Respecting others' opinions

They are some things I always keep in mind. Observing and understanding the members and situation so everything runs smoothly is the most important role I have.

I believe this idea runs throughout every successful leader. Having flexibility, care and the power to decide and understand. They are very important skills to have as a successful leader.

I am greatful I am able to communicate with various people since I am able to take in different opinions and learn from them. I would like to become a better ledaer by broadening my perspective, not only for myself but for the group and for the fans who come to watch us and for everyone to have a great time.

My role may be important but my group's growth is not because I tried hard as a leader. It is from the hardships of all the members. I am not there to pull the members up from the top but there to support them from the bottom. I feel very blessed since there are definitely times people disagree with what I say but my members understand me and the decisions I make. This is why I love working with them and overall always make me work harder for them.

From when I was young, I never liked being on top of others. So I still feel like I am more of a member like everyone else rather than calling myself a leader. Of course I still feel the responsibilities of being a leader and I still work as one but being a leader doesn't just mean standing out. Definitely doesn't mean controlling the group nor wanting the members to always agree with the decisions I make. It's about working together, communicating, understanding the problems and situation and ultimately deciding on what we should do. I really don't think I'm too different from the members.

I still don't know if I am doing well as a successful leader but I feel I am able to continue my role because of my members, staff and the support from the fans. Because I am in a promising environment, I am able to succeed. Thank you for always supporting and hope I can keep it up!




















Current dreams and dreams of the future

When I was young, my dream was to be popular. I wanted myself to appear in many peoples eyes although I was shy and timid. But because I was shy, I wanted to be loved by as many people as I possibly could. I was and still am a person who likes enjoying the moment more than struggling to think about the future so I also wanted to do what I could while I can. 

Becoming an idol was very appealing to me as I thought idols must be young (which I think is wrong now. Idols can be of any age) and they are always loved by so many people. I never had thought I could become one so it is in fact already a dream come true for me. My current dream is to do the best I could and continue this dream. Not just for myself but for the group as well.

I would like to deliver what I do to the world but I don't think it is just about myself. I would like to deliver what my group can do and I would like to just be a part of delivering what my group can do.

From when I was young, I never liked living for myself. I always wanted to become someone who is helpful to others so I can have a purpose to live. I want to become someone who lives in purpose for someone. My happiness comes from being needed by others, not from working hard to live for myself. If I feel that I am needed, I feel like I can give it my best. Therefore I would like to continue being an idol for as long as I could as I am able to continue singing and dancing which I am passionate about, and also deliver a happiness. If I can make someone smile from my performance, make someones day from talking to them or give courage to anyone with my words, I am very happy.

As long as there are people who look forward to my performance, I would like to continue being on stage. If I am to graduate, it would be because of the environment, or if I feel no one would like to see me on stage anymore. 

For me, I feel a group has more voice and more power. A group would be able to attract more people which means we could deliver more happiness to more people. Thus I would like to always be a part of it and would like to help with the group's growth so I could deliver what we do to more people.

Being asked, "What is your dream?" is a difficult question since my dream has already come true. So now I would like to continue my dream, grow even more to deliver what we can do to many people.

Reading till te end, commenting, following, becoming a reader (Subscribing) all goes towards my encouragement. Thank you for all your support!



私の小さい頃の将来の夢は他の人の目に移ることでした。 人見知りで、自分に自信がないからこそたくさんの人に愛されたいなと思っていました。小さい頃から私は先の将来よりも今を楽しみたいという思考を持っているので若い時に若いころにしかできないこともしてみたいなとずっと思っていました。




私は昔から自分のために生きるのが好ましくなく、できればほかの人の役に立って生きていきたいと思っています。なので今も将来も、他の人の役に立って生きていきたいと思います。自分のためにお金を貯めて、一人で遊んで暮らしても私は幸せになんかなれないです。私の幸せは他の人から必要とされることであって、たくさんの方から評価されることです。 必要とされているって思うと元気が出ますし、必要以上に自分の力を発揮できる気がします。なのでできるだけ私はアイドルとして生きたいです。昔から大好きだった歌も踊りもできて、しかも色々な人を笑顔にできるので私はアイドルになれてとてもよかったです。私の歌と踊りで笑顔になったり、私と一緒にしゃべったりしてその日の嫌なことを忘れられたり、私の話を聞いて勇気を出してくれるような方がいたら私はとても幸せです。





What fans are to idols

Idols may be important to the fans.

But fans are as important to the idols. 

I came to realize this when I was performing solo in Japan.


Since I am in a group who regularly performs in Australia, performing in Japan was new. This different environment made me very nervous and I was honestly frightened of what I will be facing, even though it was exciting at the same time. Although I was feeling this way, I tried my best for people to notice me. I wanted to make sure I could deliver as many smiles I could and I just wanted everyone to have a good time overall. Even though I am not well known in Japan, there were people who came to talk to me and also people who came and watched my performance which was heart-warming and was strong support for me.

This made me realise that I am able to be on stage because of the support I receive from fans.


The most idealistic live for me is lives where both idols and fans could naturally smile. A live where we all could feel a sense of unity. Where idols are not just the one making up the performance. Idols give it their best on stage and the fans give back their response in return. If I can feel that I am supported during the live, my first instinct is to smile but I also get this feeling to try harder to respect the support I am receiving.

To be honest I have thought about graduating a few times. But because there are people who come to the lives every week, there are people who come to see me, there are people who come and talk to me and people who show their respect towards me I am able to continue being an idol. These actions have moved me and made me think that I should continue. I am able to continue and be who I am because of the support I receive. I am sure other idols would agree as well.


The idol you're supporting may not be me but for all idols, fans are as important. If they receive the support and respect, they will try their best to give back what they can for what they received. Well, I beleive so and I try to give back what I can for what I receive. I appreciate everyone who gives me support.


If you have been feeling down and is thinking to stop being a fan, then I'd like you to read this blog again. The idol you're supporting needs you. The support you give them becomes a will to try their best to give you back what they could to you. 

Thank you for reading till the end.

Thank you for supporting my work. Reading my words, watching my videos, coming to the live shows and also talking to me or leaving comments, they all mean a lot to me and it makes me super happy to think I can express my appreciation towards all of you. 

Thank you for being such a big support!














