

ぽんてぃぬという名でネット活動(歌い手、コスプレイヤー、踊り手)ぐみという名でアイドルしてます。基本オーストラリアにての活動。時々日本。Hello I am Pontinu, aka Gumi. Australian Japanese idol/YouTuber.

What I find important when being on stage

Being on stage can be very nerve-racking.

Forgetting dance moves, positioning, lyrics, having a mind blank, voice cracking, having to forget what to say or do... It happens. I've experienced that many times as well.

Having to experience a lot of stages, I have discovered that what's most important when going on stage is to not get distracted from the mistakes. Don't get any negativity to stop you from your peroformance and move on from mistakes.

I think the same goes with life.

Everyone makes mistakes. Even if you make one, you just have to keep moving forward. It's fine if you need to reflect on it or regret it afterwards but you need to keep positive and move forward. It's impossible to improve if you keep stopping.

As an idol, what is most important is to make the audiences happy. Make the audiences who come to watch us enjoy their time, making them want to be there. To do that, it is very important to stay positive and to be filled with confidence.

The event I recently attended with my members made me reflect on this idea even more. Before I used to regret every mistake I made on stage and went in a negative spiral during the stage but recently I just end it by going "Oops I'm sorry" I might sound like I am very dependent on the members, but I do rely on them very much and I know that they will follow up on me if I make a mistake. I trust my members. If they make a mistake I will follow up on them and I know my members will do the same to me. I think this is what great team work is and is one of the best aspects on being in a group. No one in the group blames anyone for mistakes and we just move on. 

For members

"The quality of dancing/singing is horrible. Don't perform for the next stage"

is a big no.

"Everyone makes mistakes. Don't worry just try hard for the next!"

is what you should be saying.

Having a positive mentality helps with improvement and appears well on stage. Being happy and smiling on stage look so much better than looking like you're about to go on a mental breakdown on stage thus it is important to stay positive and move on.

You also should be staying positive about yourself.

"Oh geez. I did so bad. I suck"

Shouldn't be the mentality you have on stage

"I made a mistake but I can try harder to do better for the next"

Is what you should be thinking.

Being emotional on stage will make the situation worse. Stay positive and move on.

Recently between my members, we just laugh about mistakes we've made altogether. Nothing is a big deal and everyone makes little mistakes.


What I have been conscious of on stage recently is to look at every person who has come to watch us. Look at both people watching at the front and people watching at the back. To look at each individual and understand them. I try and wave at people who look very engaged at the stage and try and smile at people who look down or sad. I think about what I can do to make people happy on stage and because so, I feel that it is really nice when I get a reaction. Whether it's changing the pen light colour, smiling back, doing some calls, dancing along, changing emotions (like being surprised) or even making eye contact with me. It always makes me happy knowing that the audiences are enjoying their time and it always makes me feel proud to be on stage.

I personally think that being able to make a stage where the audiences enjoy their time is more important than a stage being perfect in performance quality. I believe it is most important to deliver happiness and communicate appreciation to the audience during the stage.



I believe what's important when being on stage is:

  • Keep smiling
  • Audience comes first before anything else
  • Have fun
  • Stay positive
  • Follow up on your team if you can
  • Don't get any negatives distract you no matter what

This is just what I personally think. I'm sure there are people who would oppose but this is what I think and I hope I can continue making the audience happy on stage. It will be great if people can learn from my experiences or even just think about it a little when they perform next.

Thank you so much for reading till the end.

I am active on YouTube and twitter (the most) if you are able to come visit my page for a bit that'd be great! Thank You!

