

ぽんてぃぬという名でネット活動(歌い手、コスプレイヤー、踊り手)ぐみという名でアイドルしてます。基本オーストラリアにての活動。時々日本。Hello I am Pontinu, aka Gumi. Australian Japanese idol/YouTuber.

卒業について About Graduation

















I am very sorry the first update in ages is about my graduation but if you could please read till the end, it will make me feel much better.

I hope you can understand my thoughts through this.  

I think I have mentioned in my blog before but I have thought about graduating a few times already. I was originally thinking to graduate in one year but I always loved the members, always loved seeing the smiles on everyones face when I am up on stage and loved just being a part of this group. I always thought to continue if I am wanted by anyone. But deep inside there was a part of me that wanted a change. I always never knew what was the best choice for myself, nor the group. 


Being a member of AGS102 has taught me that I have potential. I never had thought I could gain all the confidence and talent despite having limited knowledge of the japanese idol culture. For me to move forward and grow the skills I have achieved through the years even more, I decided to graduate this year.

Also this year, we were able to discuss our personal goals within the members and we came to realise that we can't bring out our best if we stay as a part of this group.

There are so many things I still want to do and experience.

Surprisingly everyone had similar opinions.

To make the next step for our future we chose to disband.

Even though the group will disband, I will still continue being myself. I will continue being an idol. The other members also mentioned they will be doing their best as well.

If I hadn't become a member of AGS102, I would've given up on my dream to become an idol. I always thought I would grow up to become a boring adult because I have no talent, nor confidence. But because I was able to experience being an idol, dancing, singing, meeting new people, interacting with so many people... I realised that this is really what I enjoy doing. I feel joy from being loved by so many people and I feel so proud to be able to see and feel my growth. I really hope I can continue on with what I love doing as much as I can.

My aim is to try my best, give it my all as a member of AGS102 and beyond.

I hope I can become an inspiring person who can answer as many needs as I can.

Thank you for all the support you have given me throughout the years, I will always do the best I can so if you could continue being alongside me on my journey, I will continue giving it my all.

Thank you so much for reading until the end.

Thank you for always being there for me.

