

ぽんてぃぬという名でネット活動(歌い手、コスプレイヤー、踊り手)ぐみという名でアイドルしてます。基本オーストラリアにての活動。時々日本。Hello I am Pontinu, aka Gumi. Australian Japanese idol/YouTuber.

卒業について About Graduation

















I am very sorry the first update in ages is about my graduation but if you could please read till the end, it will make me feel much better.

I hope you can understand my thoughts through this.  

I think I have mentioned in my blog before but I have thought about graduating a few times already. I was originally thinking to graduate in one year but I always loved the members, always loved seeing the smiles on everyones face when I am up on stage and loved just being a part of this group. I always thought to continue if I am wanted by anyone. But deep inside there was a part of me that wanted a change. I always never knew what was the best choice for myself, nor the group. 


Being a member of AGS102 has taught me that I have potential. I never had thought I could gain all the confidence and talent despite having limited knowledge of the japanese idol culture. For me to move forward and grow the skills I have achieved through the years even more, I decided to graduate this year.

Also this year, we were able to discuss our personal goals within the members and we came to realise that we can't bring out our best if we stay as a part of this group.

There are so many things I still want to do and experience.

Surprisingly everyone had similar opinions.

To make the next step for our future we chose to disband.

Even though the group will disband, I will still continue being myself. I will continue being an idol. The other members also mentioned they will be doing their best as well.

If I hadn't become a member of AGS102, I would've given up on my dream to become an idol. I always thought I would grow up to become a boring adult because I have no talent, nor confidence. But because I was able to experience being an idol, dancing, singing, meeting new people, interacting with so many people... I realised that this is really what I enjoy doing. I feel joy from being loved by so many people and I feel so proud to be able to see and feel my growth. I really hope I can continue on with what I love doing as much as I can.

My aim is to try my best, give it my all as a member of AGS102 and beyond.

I hope I can become an inspiring person who can answer as many needs as I can.

Thank you for all the support you have given me throughout the years, I will always do the best I can so if you could continue being alongside me on my journey, I will continue giving it my all.

Thank you so much for reading until the end.

Thank you for always being there for me.




私はアイドルとしての活動を1年半続けてきました。はじめは未熟で、アイドルという存在にあまり滲みがなく、どういう振る舞い方でいればいいのか、どういう意識を持っていれば良いのか全くわかりませんでした。小さい頃からアイドル活動に興味を持っていたことに関わらず、あまりテレビに映るアイドルや、ライブなどをみてこなかったので知識が少なく、アイドルという存在を知らなかったのです。元々パフォーマンス自体が好きで、たくさんの方々との交流が好きで、人を笑顔にすることや、頼られること... 新しいことにチャレンジすることが大好きだったのでアイドルを経験してみたかったのです。なので、私はアイドルを知らないままこの世界に入ってしまいました。






















  1. 自分という存在を保つこと
  2. プライベートを捨てる意識を持つこと
  3. 自分が好きになれるような自分でいること










What I find important when being on stage

Being on stage can be very nerve-racking.

Forgetting dance moves, positioning, lyrics, having a mind blank, voice cracking, having to forget what to say or do... It happens. I've experienced that many times as well.

Having to experience a lot of stages, I have discovered that what's most important when going on stage is to not get distracted from the mistakes. Don't get any negativity to stop you from your peroformance and move on from mistakes.

I think the same goes with life.

Everyone makes mistakes. Even if you make one, you just have to keep moving forward. It's fine if you need to reflect on it or regret it afterwards but you need to keep positive and move forward. It's impossible to improve if you keep stopping.

As an idol, what is most important is to make the audiences happy. Make the audiences who come to watch us enjoy their time, making them want to be there. To do that, it is very important to stay positive and to be filled with confidence.

The event I recently attended with my members made me reflect on this idea even more. Before I used to regret every mistake I made on stage and went in a negative spiral during the stage but recently I just end it by going "Oops I'm sorry" I might sound like I am very dependent on the members, but I do rely on them very much and I know that they will follow up on me if I make a mistake. I trust my members. If they make a mistake I will follow up on them and I know my members will do the same to me. I think this is what great team work is and is one of the best aspects on being in a group. No one in the group blames anyone for mistakes and we just move on. 

For members

"The quality of dancing/singing is horrible. Don't perform for the next stage"

is a big no.

"Everyone makes mistakes. Don't worry just try hard for the next!"

is what you should be saying.

Having a positive mentality helps with improvement and appears well on stage. Being happy and smiling on stage look so much better than looking like you're about to go on a mental breakdown on stage thus it is important to stay positive and move on.

You also should be staying positive about yourself.

"Oh geez. I did so bad. I suck"

Shouldn't be the mentality you have on stage

"I made a mistake but I can try harder to do better for the next"

Is what you should be thinking.

Being emotional on stage will make the situation worse. Stay positive and move on.

Recently between my members, we just laugh about mistakes we've made altogether. Nothing is a big deal and everyone makes little mistakes.


What I have been conscious of on stage recently is to look at every person who has come to watch us. Look at both people watching at the front and people watching at the back. To look at each individual and understand them. I try and wave at people who look very engaged at the stage and try and smile at people who look down or sad. I think about what I can do to make people happy on stage and because so, I feel that it is really nice when I get a reaction. Whether it's changing the pen light colour, smiling back, doing some calls, dancing along, changing emotions (like being surprised) or even making eye contact with me. It always makes me happy knowing that the audiences are enjoying their time and it always makes me feel proud to be on stage.

I personally think that being able to make a stage where the audiences enjoy their time is more important than a stage being perfect in performance quality. I believe it is most important to deliver happiness and communicate appreciation to the audience during the stage.



I believe what's important when being on stage is:

  • Keep smiling
  • Audience comes first before anything else
  • Have fun
  • Stay positive
  • Follow up on your team if you can
  • Don't get any negatives distract you no matter what

This is just what I personally think. I'm sure there are people who would oppose but this is what I think and I hope I can continue making the audience happy on stage. It will be great if people can learn from my experiences or even just think about it a little when they perform next.

Thank you so much for reading till the end.

I am active on YouTube and twitter (the most) if you are able to come visit my page for a bit that'd be great! Thank You!





せっかく頑張って覚えた歌も踊りも頭から飛んでしまったり、頭が真っ白になっちゃったり、声が裏返ってしまったり、言わなくちゃいけないことを忘れちゃったり... 色々ありますよね。 私も経験あります。 ポジション間違えちゃったり、振り付け忘れちゃったり、歌詞が飛んでしまったり... たくさん経験しています。





今回出場したイベントで改めてそう思いました。 昔はあんなに気にしていたミスだって今は「あっごめん」で済ませています。人頼りって言われるかもしれませんがメンバーが必ずフォローを入れてくれるからです。私はメンバーをとても信頼しています。メンバーの中の誰かがミスをしても私はフォローを入れますし、メンバーも私に対して同じ対応をしてくれます。これが信頼ってことであり、グループの良さだと思います。それで私もメンバーも間違えたからって誰も責めることなく事を済ませます。誰にだってあることなので気にしてたら負けです。




















  • 笑顔を忘れない
  • お客さん第一
  • 自分も楽しむ
  • ポジティブに、前向きで
  • メンバーがミスをしてもフォローを入れてあげる
  • なにがあっても動揺しない











Gumi's zatsudan ①

Konban wan wan! Konnichi wan wan!

How is everyone? 

For this blog I'll be doing a zatsudan which means small talk/chat in Japanese. So I will be writing about things I want to talk about in regards to my life at the moment.


The biggest news right now might be our first original song! Finally finished! It was our first time performing at last week's live. I did mention it there but everyone in the group helped to make this song. Us members, we allocated parts to sing, we thought about the positioning, cleaned up the dance moves and we changed up some of the lyrics so the song suits us. I think the song ended up as a fun song that suits our group right now. My favourite part is Ria's when she goes "Aonori tsuitenjan" which means you have aonori on you. The lyrics there were meant to be "gyuukushi Oh my god! Tare toka tsuiten jan" which means beef sticks omg, there's also sauce on top but we talked through as a group and changed the lyrics. We chose another food which is more familiarised and associated with matsuri. So we chose yakisoba instead. Aonori is like dried seaweed (On Google it saids dried green laver) usually on top of yakisoba. It is famous for being that food that sticks on to your teeth and because it's black it is really noticable. So we changed the lyrics from "Gyuukushi Oh my god! Taretoka tsuitenjan" to "Yakisoba Oh my god! Aonori tsuitenjan" to make it comical and give more of a matsuri atmosphere. Promotion video hasn't been announced yet but we will be trying hard to deliver it! Also Spotify is a big dream. (CD before Spotify though) We will be performing at this week's Madman Anime Festival so please come and watch!!


Also my first photobook is going to be out! 

First photobook!


One set of photos but they're all very nice shots. Also very different to what I can be conveyed as. I chose the photos as well as the layout of the photobook. Also has a short message at the end! Still confirming shipping but will get back to everyone as soon as possible!!


March is also my birth month!

Feels really weird for me to turn 20. (one reason is because when you turn 20 you are considered an adult in Japan and it is a special age)

Feels weird to think I've lived 20 years...

I don't know if I can act like an adult yet. 

I would have to take more responsibility. Do things I didn't need to do. Act for myself and think more about the future. I will definitely feel lost. I will definitely be unsure if I am alright being myself right now. If it is the correct path or not. But right now I feel that I love being myself. I want to continue what I love doing. I want to be needed by so many people but being supported by them at the same time. I want to experience heaps and learn from those experiences. Always be myself without being influenced by others. Walk on a path no one has gone through before. If I feel lost anytime I want to come back to this blog and never forget what I felt this moment. 

So on the positive side!! Next month is going to be my birthday live!

Because March schedule was filled we decided to have the live on the first week of April!

Celebration of my 20th birthday!!

I hope I can see a lot of people! Having chats with everyone, performing and receiving smiles always make me really happy! Would be very nice to see everyone as a birthday present!

If you have any songs you want me to perform, songs you want to see the group perform or any requests feel free to tell me! I will try and answer them as much as possible! 

And the Wednesday of that week we will be having a Gumi X Ria live!! Last time we did a live together was in Japan so I'm really excited for it! We already have a few songs ready we want to do! If you have time please come and watch! Actually also want to do a solo live sometime as well... Maybe sometime in the future...


Goals for this month!

  1. Upload at least 3 videos on YouTube
  2. Update my blog at least once a week
  3. Do my best at lives and events
  4. Answer the fans more

...I think that's about it?

If you have anything you want me to write about or anything you want me to upload feel free to tell me! Thank you for always reading my posts!!


ぐみたん雑談 第①弾

こんにちわんわん こんばんわんわん




ココ最近のイチオシニュースといえばオリジナルソングですね! やっと完成致しました!! 先週のライブでも発表したのですが、歌詞と振り付けどちらもメンバー全員が貢献しました。曲のパート分けや、立ち位置、振り付けの磨き上げ、私達の雰囲気に合うよにの歌詞変更をみんなで話し合いながら行いました。 私達に合うとっても楽しい曲に仕上がったと思うので是非是非ライブにて聴きに来てください! 私のイチオシはリアちゃんが歌う「青のりついてんじゃーん」です。そこの歌詞は元々「牛串オーマイガー! タレとかついてんじゃーん」だったのですがメンバー同士で話し合い変更となりました。もう少し祭りの雰囲気を出す食べ物を選び、少し面白可愛い要素を取り入れて、牛串は焼きそば、タレは青のりに変更しました。みんなでたくさん笑って騒いでる雰囲気をより出したくての変更でした。そしてメンバーの中で1番躊躇なくドストレートに言ってくれて笑いをとれるリアちゃんに歌ってもらいました。まだPVは予定にないのですがいつかあげられるようにみんなで頑張っていきたいと思います(もちろんSpotifyも大きな目標です...でもその前にCDですね笑)今週末のMadman Anime Festivalでも発表する予定なので是非是非みに来てください!!



私の写真集です! 初写真集ーー!!!












大人という大きな使命感。大きな責任を多く背負わなくてはいけなかったり、以前よりもしなくてはいけないことも増えることになるだろう... 私はこのままでいいのかななんてたくさん思うだろうけど私はありのままの自分でいたいし、好きな事を全力で頑張っていきたいと思っています。 沢山の人に必要とされながらも、たくさんの人に支えられて、自分のしたい事を沢山経験して他人に流されないようにしたいです。誰も通ったことも無い道を突き進んで行きたいと思います。いつか迷ってしまっても私はこのブログを読み返して自分の今の気持ちを忘れないようにして沢山頑張っていきたいです!

重い話はもう終わりとして(笑) 来月の始めに誕生日ライブを行う予定です!



たくさんの方々に会えたらとっても嬉しいなって思ってます!! みんなと話したり、みんなの前で歌って踊ったり、みんなの笑顔が見れることが私の元気の源なので出来たらたくさんの方々に来ていただきたいです!

私のパフォーマンス曲でして欲しい曲、グループに踊って/歌って欲しい曲、久々に聴きたいなって思う曲... リクエストがあればできるだけ応えられるように頑張ります!









  1. 今月の目標としてはYouTube動画を三本はアップすること!
  2. ブログは1週間に1回程度には更新
  3. イベント全力で頑張ること
  4. みんなの期待にもっと応える!




【Self taught】Tips on how to get better at singing

At lives, I often do get told that my singing is very good (which is of course something I love hearing thank you so much) but I am actually self-taught with no experience of vocal training.

Only because I loved singing as a child, I used to sing heaps and learn from how professionals sing. I am confident in saying that this was actually how I was able to develop my singing. The skills came through to me naturally and they definitely do work as I got better over the years.

In this blog, I will be sharing tips on how to get better at singing. It might be a slight change at first but it will develop over time if you keep singing. They might be tips you may already know but something that is always good to remind yourself if you want to get better at it.

I want this blog to reach people who want to develop their singing even by a little!


Firstly opening your mouth wide. Important as it lets your voice through clear.

If its an "A" sound, open your mouth widely to make an "AAA"

If its an "I" sound,  smile big to make the "YIII" sound etc.

If you look at opera, you see them opening their mouth very wide. It's kind of like that. 

I've had photos taken with my mouth wide open as well XD

If you want your voice to come through clear and loudly, forget about looking ridiculous and try and open your mouth as wide as you can.


Projecting your voice from your stomach is the next tip. Some people have told me in the past that they can't do it but it is definitely possible if you practice. Projecting your voice from your throat will always damage your voice. It is important to breathe in a lot of air and let air out as you sing. A lot of practice to get the hang of it but will get to you naturally. 

If you breathe in properly, your voice should sound more clear as well.


I think what is most important is not to sing what you can't sing. People have their limits. They are born in voices that let them sing in certain areas. Yes you can always train your voice to broaden the limits but yet their will always be limits. It is obvious to the person listening if you sound like you are having difficulty hitting the notes. Up the key, lower the key, go one octave down or up so you can sound good.


The last step is to record yourself singing. The voice you hear while singing and what others hear are a bit different.

I think it is important to understand your voice from recording as in the end you're the only person who could change your voice. Sing, record and fix. Repeat until you think you sound good. Remember how you sang then and use that technique to sing. You will be able to get the hang of it fast as this step is different from the others. Not actually about practicing but is about self-evaluation which I think is really important.


All techniques are self taught but having those tips in mind will make you better at singing.

I am still a beginner as well but I hope to improve more by practicing. If you have any more questions or tips you want to ask about, feel free to comment! I will try and answer it to the best of my ability.

Just going to put down my comparison of my singing here so you can listen to how much you can improve just by keeping the tips in mind.

Full link:


Thank you for reading till the end. Wish you all the best with your singing!