

ぽんてぃぬという名でネット活動(歌い手、コスプレイヤー、踊り手)ぐみという名でアイドルしてます。基本オーストラリアにての活動。時々日本。Hello I am Pontinu, aka Gumi. Australian Japanese idol/YouTuber.

Gumi's zatsudan ①

Konban wan wan! Konnichi wan wan!

How is everyone? 

For this blog I'll be doing a zatsudan which means small talk/chat in Japanese. So I will be writing about things I want to talk about in regards to my life at the moment.


The biggest news right now might be our first original song! Finally finished! It was our first time performing at last week's live. I did mention it there but everyone in the group helped to make this song. Us members, we allocated parts to sing, we thought about the positioning, cleaned up the dance moves and we changed up some of the lyrics so the song suits us. I think the song ended up as a fun song that suits our group right now. My favourite part is Ria's when she goes "Aonori tsuitenjan" which means you have aonori on you. The lyrics there were meant to be "gyuukushi Oh my god! Tare toka tsuiten jan" which means beef sticks omg, there's also sauce on top but we talked through as a group and changed the lyrics. We chose another food which is more familiarised and associated with matsuri. So we chose yakisoba instead. Aonori is like dried seaweed (On Google it saids dried green laver) usually on top of yakisoba. It is famous for being that food that sticks on to your teeth and because it's black it is really noticable. So we changed the lyrics from "Gyuukushi Oh my god! Taretoka tsuitenjan" to "Yakisoba Oh my god! Aonori tsuitenjan" to make it comical and give more of a matsuri atmosphere. Promotion video hasn't been announced yet but we will be trying hard to deliver it! Also Spotify is a big dream. (CD before Spotify though) We will be performing at this week's Madman Anime Festival so please come and watch!!


Also my first photobook is going to be out! 

First photobook!


One set of photos but they're all very nice shots. Also very different to what I can be conveyed as. I chose the photos as well as the layout of the photobook. Also has a short message at the end! Still confirming shipping but will get back to everyone as soon as possible!!


March is also my birth month!

Feels really weird for me to turn 20. (one reason is because when you turn 20 you are considered an adult in Japan and it is a special age)

Feels weird to think I've lived 20 years...

I don't know if I can act like an adult yet. 

I would have to take more responsibility. Do things I didn't need to do. Act for myself and think more about the future. I will definitely feel lost. I will definitely be unsure if I am alright being myself right now. If it is the correct path or not. But right now I feel that I love being myself. I want to continue what I love doing. I want to be needed by so many people but being supported by them at the same time. I want to experience heaps and learn from those experiences. Always be myself without being influenced by others. Walk on a path no one has gone through before. If I feel lost anytime I want to come back to this blog and never forget what I felt this moment. 

So on the positive side!! Next month is going to be my birthday live!

Because March schedule was filled we decided to have the live on the first week of April!

Celebration of my 20th birthday!!

I hope I can see a lot of people! Having chats with everyone, performing and receiving smiles always make me really happy! Would be very nice to see everyone as a birthday present!

If you have any songs you want me to perform, songs you want to see the group perform or any requests feel free to tell me! I will try and answer them as much as possible! 

And the Wednesday of that week we will be having a Gumi X Ria live!! Last time we did a live together was in Japan so I'm really excited for it! We already have a few songs ready we want to do! If you have time please come and watch! Actually also want to do a solo live sometime as well... Maybe sometime in the future...


Goals for this month!

  1. Upload at least 3 videos on YouTube
  2. Update my blog at least once a week
  3. Do my best at lives and events
  4. Answer the fans more

...I think that's about it?

If you have anything you want me to write about or anything you want me to upload feel free to tell me! Thank you for always reading my posts!!