

ぽんてぃぬという名でネット活動(歌い手、コスプレイヤー、踊り手)ぐみという名でアイドルしてます。基本オーストラリアにての活動。時々日本。Hello I am Pontinu, aka Gumi. Australian Japanese idol/YouTuber.

【Self taught】Tips on how to get better at singing

At lives, I often do get told that my singing is very good (which is of course something I love hearing thank you so much) but I am actually self-taught with no experience of vocal training.

Only because I loved singing as a child, I used to sing heaps and learn from how professionals sing. I am confident in saying that this was actually how I was able to develop my singing. The skills came through to me naturally and they definitely do work as I got better over the years.

In this blog, I will be sharing tips on how to get better at singing. It might be a slight change at first but it will develop over time if you keep singing. They might be tips you may already know but something that is always good to remind yourself if you want to get better at it.

I want this blog to reach people who want to develop their singing even by a little!


Firstly opening your mouth wide. Important as it lets your voice through clear.

If its an "A" sound, open your mouth widely to make an "AAA"

If its an "I" sound,  smile big to make the "YIII" sound etc.

If you look at opera, you see them opening their mouth very wide. It's kind of like that. 

I've had photos taken with my mouth wide open as well XD

If you want your voice to come through clear and loudly, forget about looking ridiculous and try and open your mouth as wide as you can.


Projecting your voice from your stomach is the next tip. Some people have told me in the past that they can't do it but it is definitely possible if you practice. Projecting your voice from your throat will always damage your voice. It is important to breathe in a lot of air and let air out as you sing. A lot of practice to get the hang of it but will get to you naturally. 

If you breathe in properly, your voice should sound more clear as well.


I think what is most important is not to sing what you can't sing. People have their limits. They are born in voices that let them sing in certain areas. Yes you can always train your voice to broaden the limits but yet their will always be limits. It is obvious to the person listening if you sound like you are having difficulty hitting the notes. Up the key, lower the key, go one octave down or up so you can sound good.


The last step is to record yourself singing. The voice you hear while singing and what others hear are a bit different.

I think it is important to understand your voice from recording as in the end you're the only person who could change your voice. Sing, record and fix. Repeat until you think you sound good. Remember how you sang then and use that technique to sing. You will be able to get the hang of it fast as this step is different from the others. Not actually about practicing but is about self-evaluation which I think is really important.


All techniques are self taught but having those tips in mind will make you better at singing.

I am still a beginner as well but I hope to improve more by practicing. If you have any more questions or tips you want to ask about, feel free to comment! I will try and answer it to the best of my ability.

Just going to put down my comparison of my singing here so you can listen to how much you can improve just by keeping the tips in mind.

Full link:


Thank you for reading till the end. Wish you all the best with your singing!